Village Potential Statistics of Deiyai Regency 2024 is a BPS publication series that is published three times
in ten years which presents the results of the 2024 Village Potential Data Collection (Podes). This publication
contains an overview of village-level government administration areas throughout Deiyai Regency according to the
potential of the village, the availability of infrastructure in the village, and also the challenges faced in the village.
The data and information presented in this publication are classified into: Village Potential, Village
Vulnerability, and Village Infrastructure. Data and information presented at the regency/municipality level which
presents the aggregation of data at sub-district level data.
This publication is expected to be a reference for data and information of infrastructure and regional
potential for development policy makers at the central and regional level, researchers, academics, and other various
data users. Early detection and phenomenon of infrastructure availability and potential among regions are captured
in the various tables presented in this publication.
We thank all those who have contributed in the success of completing the Podes 2024 publication. We
welcome constructive criticism and suggestions from users of this publication to improve future editions of this